#64 - South Kensington


I literally don't even know how to describe my feelings after the collaboration I've had with my school (EF Education First). 

It was the very first time that I've taken over a Snapchat account and, by this time,  I couldn't think about something more exciting than that. I was talking to the audience personally and has shown them London and my lifestyle during my stay with EF for about one week. My school gave me the chance to be in contact with students from other EF schools and also with people who were interested in EF.

My very first LIVE SESSION on Facebook:
When I received an email with the remark on a Facebook live-session for EF Germany, I went crazy. It is definitely one of the biggest things I've ever done on social media. In this Livestream, I've been showing you my school and interviewing one of the EF Staff. 

LIVE SESSION for FB and Instagram:
After a couple of days, I received again a message, this time by the international EF team asking me for another live-session for their official Instagram and Facebook pages. I couldn't reject this offer, of course not.
First, we recorded on the Westminster Bridge in front of the Big Ben and London Eye while answering some of your questions on Facebook. By the way, actually, we were live twice, just because we couldn't post the first stream, lol. Thanks to Google, which helped us to fix the problem. In our second attempt, we've solved the difficulty! Lucky us! 
The good news is that we are going to reach 54.000 viewers on that video. AMAZING! 

For the second part of our live-session, we introduced the Oxford Circus to the audience. In addition to Oxfordstreet, we showed you the British Brand TOPSHOP.  

Moreover, I have been nominated as "The most stylish student" at my school, which means that I've won a TOPSHOP voucher (a private shopping day + shop assistant). 
Now, I am really looking forward redeeming my voucher 😍

At the end of the day, we were live on Instagram for a Q &A. What a success, wow!!!

Thanks to Tom (the coolest workmate ever) and EF for this really enjoyable experience. I had so much fun during that "project"

Just in case you want to watch all of those videos again, make sure you visit my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mervinooblog/

South Kensington is definitely a place to visit. This area is super pretty and fancy.
A perfect spot for taking pictures.

Boots: ZARA
Jeans: Mango
Blazer: ZARA
Scarf: H&M
T-Shirt: H&M
Glasses: jo Mandy, thank you girl! :D

It was too funny:
I've just tried my friend's glasses on and suddenly I felt kinda drunk. Couldn't even walk or see anything.
How is she dealing with this blindness, omg haha!

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